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Gospel and a Productive Life
Every week
Teachers: Kaleia Smaldone & Evelyn Thrasher
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Christ and His Everlasting Gospel
Every Week
Teachers: Jenna Page
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Enseña y Doctrina del Libro de Mormon
Cada Semana
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Understanding Christ Through Temple Worship
Every Other Week
Teachers: Brooke Liston
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Come Follow Me
Every Other Week
Teachers: Maya Hoeft and Sam Murdock
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Temple And Family History
Every Week
Teachers: Olivia Crawford and Hunter Autch

Held every Wednesday at 6:30 PM at the Multi-Stake Building (MSB) – 352 N 900 E Provo, Ut

Dinner 6:30-7:00, Instruction 7:00-8:00, Treat 8:00

Record Attendance With the Button Below

Gospel and The Productive life

This course is designed to help you understand the relationship between the spiritual and temporal parts of life. As we apply gospel principles in our lives, we become more productive spiritually and temporally. Heavenly Father wants to help us develop our potential, prepare for a successful future, enjoy the present, and contribute to helping others.

Christ and His Everlasting Gospel

President Russell M. Nelson declared, “There has never been a time in the history of the world when knowledge of our Savior is more personally vital and relevant to every human soul” (“Pure Truth, Pure Doctrine, and Pure Revelation” Liahona, Nov. 2021, 6). This course can be an extraordinary opportunity to increase your faith in Jesus Christ, deepen your understanding of His everlasting gospel, and increase your confidence to access His power and Atonement in your individual life.

Enseñanzas y doctrina del Libro de Mormón

Este curso, Enseñanzas y doctrina del Libro de Mormón (Religión 275), está diseñado para ayudar a los alumnos a abordar de forma diferente el estudio del Libro de Mormón. Las lecciones de este curso se centran en temas doctrinales importantes que recalcaron los autores inspirados del Libro de Mormón.

Understanding Christ Through Temple Worship

Class will take an in-depth view into the reason of temple ordinances and the covenants made within.

Temple and Family History

Discuss the doctrine behind family history and temple work.

Come Follow Me